





Focusing on finding your PURPOSE❤️

Increasing your


Collaborating with creative



Why is this important?


Finding your PURPOSE in life is crucial to live a fulfilled and happy life.     
Which means that you don't get to your death bed with regrets!
Having PROSPERITY in your life , gives you choices and associating with likeminded positive PEOPLE who have your back, provide a safe space for you to be you.
With The Proven Find Your WHY! Formula you can unlock the secrets that help you find the real YOU!  
Click here to JOIN US NOW for just £498 per year
I Want to be WHYs NOW!




As a WHYs Woman You
Create Your Pathway to Success with...


Learn To Master Our Unique Process 

The "Find Your WHY Formula"

With 3 Simple and Highly Effective Steps – you will be able to live a Life of purpose.

I Want to be WHYs NOW!





Celebrate being uniquely and authentically YOU!



Because sometimes even strong women    

need support...


The FIND YOUR WHY! Membership is designed for specifically for women aged 45+, to guide you on how to find your purpose in the next chapter of your life, so you have the clarity and the confidence to create the live you really want.



Hello Whys One!

You know the feeling when... everyone wants a piece of you... you're the "go-to" person when anyone has a problem...


But who do YOU go to?


These questions may have started because you've had a recent life changing event:


I Want to be WHYs NOW!

So while some people...

use anti-depressants (and in the UK evidence shows the use of these is on the rise) BUT for you - if medication is not an option...

What do YOU do?

Do you try to numb the pain with Sex? Or Drugs? Or Sausage Rolls?

Or Netflix, Or shopping?

Here's the thing - it's not your fault because advertising and marketing have been trying to make you believe that they have the answers to help you feel better about your life - However the key isn't being distracted by what the advertiser are selling - the key is finding your WHY, and your WHY! is knowing and living your purpose. 

So if you've started asking yourself the question "Why me?" it is "Because you're worth it"  regardless of the shampoo you buy!

How Do I Find My WHY?

The seemingly crazy world we live in there are so many demands on you at work and home, the constant juggling, too many balls... and so the question is...

When was the last time you put yourself first?

When was the last time you were able to forget about what needed doing, and who else needed caring for, and you simply took time for YOU?

Was it last week, last year or last NEVER?!

Now is the time to change that - take some time for you, just one hour and come to experience The Find Your WHY! Experience.

To discover:

Get This Sorted NOW!


What Do I get in the WHYs Membership? 🌟❤️🙃


As A WHYs Woman you’ll receive:


  • Daily 8am Lives
  • Online & Live Events
  • Monthly Live Zoom Support
  • Monthly Saturday Scholarship Teaching
  • Accountability buddies to help keep you on track
  • International Women’s Day Speaking Opportunities
  • Tapping into Awesome Experts in The Lounge
  • Weekly Feature Friday
  • Annual Awards


The Ideal

Woman To Join The WHYs Community & Enjoy the “Find Your WHY! Experience”:

We are looking to help those who are ready to create a life that is full of purpose & passion, that has meaning.

And so you are looking for:



Meet Your Host Cheryl.

Hi, I’m Cheryl Chapman, (you can see me here on the left with Marion Bevington aka "Lyndiana Jones" on the right)

Before I discovered my “WHY,” I used to blame everything on everyone.

If I had a bad day at work, a terrible experience, or wasn’t happy with my life… it would always be someone else’s fault except mine.

Maybe you can relate to this?

I lived in the same negative pattern for years.

Then, at the age of 48, I attended a one-day seminar, and one speaker in particular caught my attention as he asked:

"If you were to die tomorrow, who would mourn your loss?"

I realised my life was a mess. I was drinking heavily, going to a job that didn’t fulfil me, and I had started asking questions like...

“Is this really it?”

Something needed to change and change fast!

(I only later learned later that something was ME!)

Thats when I met Marion Bevington, who was learning a new technique to help others understand why they were procrastinating ...


Through The Find Your WHY! Experience You’ll Learn To Master Our Unique Process

 Create your Pathway to Success with

The "Find Your WHY Formula"

With 3 Simple and highly effective processes – you will be able to live a Life of purpose.

Become (even more) frickin' awesome! Meaning understand the importance of the following:

You Will begin a

New Understanding & Knowledge For You And Your Future Life:

So to begin with, I was my first client! I became aware of what was holding me back and now I needed to understand my big why - inspired by Simon Sinek's Start with Why. I realised that there were a lot of books that were ideal for businesses (& very masculine) I developed a way to create tangible ways of expressing personal mission and vision statements (after all if you don't know this, how do you know if you're on the right path?)

 My why is to guide other women to..

"STOP Asking WHY Me?

And START Saying WHY Not Me!"

And now as The WHYs Woman Life Purpose Mentor
I'm pleased to announce - it's working!

Interestingly, most new ideas - new jobs, new careers, personal development, investing in property, trading, bitcoin, becoming an entrepreneur, selling on line products or services

The mind loves the familiar - so any changes will bring up fear...

Which is why you need to have a purpose to keep you motivated.

Many people say "its my children/family" ...NO! they are your responsibility!

Your WHY is to motivate YOU to live the life you were born to live and without your personal WHY? You could find yourself living someone else's

Today I am the visionary and co-creator of the “Find your WHY! Foundation” and author of the Award-winning book "Find Your WHY! – To Become Frickin’ Awesome"I am an international multi-award winning speaker and speaker mentor to thousands of clients across the globe and The TEDxAinleyTopWoman Event Organiser and I love to help women like you to...

Meet Marion

"I used to program computers; now I deprogram people!"


Marion Bevington 

I worked in the I.T sector for almost 25 years, I was one of the techie geeks who shared that oh so familiar wisdom "switch it off and then switch it on again..." 

It took me that long to realise I wasn’t happy, healthy or fulfilled in my life. Does this sound familiar too?

In 2000, my lack of fulfilment was confirmed when I got sick, but... I just accepted the medication because a doctor said I should… (Even though he had no idea why I was sick or what may have caused it.) 

It was the diagnosis of my second ‘incurable autoimmune condition’ brought on by the medication, that woke me up to the truth of

“Who is responsible for me, my life, my wellbeing and my body?”. And a much bigger realisation – Why I was sick.   It was the kick up the a*** I needed…

Life was all getting a bit serious and I remember being asked “Where is the joy in your life?” I felt that I’d lost it, I cried so much.

I realised my health and wellness needed to take priority, and I was – I am actually in charge of me. 

I set out on an Epic Adventure into me and my health, my mission was to discover what was happening to me and to recover the JOY!.

After a long personal health rehabilitation journey, during which I became a Yoga teacher, a Yoga therapist, a META-Medicine practitioner, I work with Complex Trauma Resolution, Inner Child Healing, Kinesiology, Pranic Healing, IFS, Family Constellations, EFT (emotional freedom technique) and BWRT.

All of these modalities can bring healing and balance into all areas of life. Each of these disciplines share fundamental aspects that relate to the psychological, emotional and energetic aspects within the ancient and traditional yogic teachings, and make a great combination of support techniques for everyone.

I discovered how to revive the JOY in my life!

The biggest discovery for me has been how to access the super-intelligence of the body by getting the programmed and conditioned 'mind' out of the way.

I have now helped hundreds of others discover their own divinity and take charge of their own lives and I has reversed almost all of the symptoms I had without medication or surgery.

On this journey I met Cheryl, she helped me in so many ways – her huge heart, sharp mind and determined will have given me so much in the way of love and support. Bringing our skill sets, our personalities and our passion for living a full and happy life all together has transformed my life, and together we are now transforming so many other’s lives – I am so grateful, so blessed and I ooze juicy joy!

I finally found my WHY (to have fun and live in joy) I found my place, my soul purpose, and my true self.

Don't Take My Word For It, Check Out The Feedback From From Our Existing Members Who Have Found Their WHY!



Because during the last few years, periods of isolation and quarantine, you may have had the time to reassess your life, maybe you're considering some changes, you can see that they are needed but how can you know if it's the right thing to do? Maybe you find yourself at a crossroads and you don't know which way to go. 

“The Find Your WHY Foundation™” is all about
collaboration, community, and creativity.

No woman gets left behind!

Being open and honest, once you have spent time with us, you might want to explore our online community or our future events.

Think about when you're shopping - the lady with the cheese on sticks - you try the cheese if you like it, you invest in more, if you don't you just smile & walk away :-)

All we ask is you come open mind & willing to discover more about yourself… We look forward to seeing you there.

Then, tell all your friends about it too!